The gurdaspur district of Punjab state in India is very well known for its men and women indulging and inhaling drugs. The small children of this district also inhale the dangerous drugs. They do not only drink the liquor but even inhale the dangerous drugs such as cocaine, smack and […]
Author: Atul
Funny daily use common words with hilarious meanings
We are making you familiar here with some of the common words that you use in your daily speech. Many of you use these words daily while talking with others and might not have been noticed that their can be hilarious meanings of these small words. Anyways, whether you have […]
Funny Management policies for well being of employees
Every organization has some policies. Some rules and policies of all the organizations are exactly similar while some of them are not completely same but they very much resemble to those of others. But some organizations make some special policies exclusively for them. Those rules are made by the Human […]
Most common words and slangs used by girls while talking
We are letting you know here the most common words and sentences that ladies often use in their language. The girls, whether they talk with any known person or with any stranger, use such words while talking with them. They do not care that the person with whom they are […]
Funny Atm Steps of Boys and Girls while taking money
We are showing you here the steps that boys and girls follow to retrieve the money from ATMs. These are the true steps that both male and female follow. We have mentioned the steps followed by each one. The series of steps are funny but yet true. You will have […]
Clever Cow of India
Do you think that animals are fool and they do not have mind in them? I cannot say what you think of animals but I know that some or many of you think animals as useless who do not have any feelings and who do not have brain also. Many […]
Indian Hindu God Ganesha in Papaya fruit
Can you all believe that a person cut the fruit and he sees GOD inside that fruit? I know that no one can believe on this news, atleast in today’s era. This might have been successful in ancient times but in today’s age, this is impossible. But to make you […]