Author: chetan

Funky Memory Stick

This one is for the people who are tech savvy and like cartoon characters as well. It is framed very beautifully that Learning is not at all proportional (related) to age. Actually framed by nobody and nobody is me…ha ha. Today’s technology is not based on creed, cast, religion, gender, […]

How to wash your keyboard

Did you ever notice the dust particles entering in the soft keys of the keyboard? And if you have then you might have tried cleaning your keyboard with a piece of cloth or some spray etc. And after cleaning the keyboard what about the micro-organisms entering inside. You can use […]

Save electricity through Wattson – New Year Innovation

This year everybody has resolutions. Somebody has for good health, some for stable wealth, and others for smart-working future. You might see people planting trees, using recyclable bags and halogen lights in place of the regular bulbs. We are heading towards an era where all the resources are consumed at […]