During the childhood, doing blank calls and calls on wrong numbers are considered as funny act because you don’t know the person on the other side but it is an act to get fun and enjoy the time. As far as ethics is concerned, it is a deed which should […]
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Top 10 Funniest Cartoon Characters of all time
Every person remembers watching cartoons when they were kids, and most people still watch cartoons every now and then. According to statistics, the most popular and the most loved category of cartoons is the category of funny cartoons. Well, what actually make a funny cartoon funny are the characters that […]
Funny and Memorable idea for Marriage Proposals
Make a riddle: Make a riddle out of a picture of your proposal. Shroud the few pieces with the words will you wed me until the finish. When she begins searching for the pieces imagine that you find them and watch her astonish when she puts the last bits of […]
Top 5 Funniest Television Series of all time
Everyone sitting down every day, having some snacks, sipping on colas and beer and watching a television series has become kind of a tradition in almost every home in the world. Television shows and television series are extremely popular in almost every country in existence. There are many types of […]
Top 5 Funniest TV commercials of all time
Television commercials are short videos which describe a product of service (mostly in a positive manner). To be more specific, a Television commercial is a span of television programming produced by and paid for by an organization which wants to market its product or service. In most cases, television commercials […]
Top 8 Funniest Inventions of all time
The world is simply full of inventions. In fact, the world has gotten to its current stage thanks to the many inventions which have been created. Humans have been inventing stuff ever since they realized they could invent stuff. From the wheel to the modern cell phone, almost everything which […]
Funny Pranks for making your and others Life full of Fun
Loads of jokes are carried out particularly on Aprils Fools day which is formally a day for different types of lies. Inasmuch as nobody gets tormented by the tricks and takes it sportingly it is dependably enjoyable to think of new and creative plans. Some pranks are discussed here. 1. […]