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Sharing some Hilarious Birthday Wishes

Birthday is a very special event for all of us and we rejoice this day with party and having fun with our family and friends. Now, if you want to make the birthdays of your loved one’s more special and memorable then I am sharing some of the funniest and […]


Funny and Interesting Facts about Women

It is often said that women are the most complex creatures that have ever made by God. Most of the men believed that women are impossible to understand as they change their statements in every session (well! it may be right, in most of the times). For years, the men […]


The Funniest Life Quotes ever

The laughter is regarded as a medicine for our health. Laughter keeps us fit and healthy. In fact a lot of studies have shown that laughter prevents heart attack. I always feel lighter and more relaxed after having a burst of laughter and even my energy level is also boosted […]


Movie Theater Ringing

When you watch movies, sometimes there are little warnings before the movie starts.These are the ones telling the audience to turn off or put in silent mode their mobile devices, not to record the movie, or talk too loudly. For the most part, people follow these rules. After all the […]