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An urge by OIE – Destroy Rinderpest Virus Stocks

Animal Health World organization (OIE), in its continuous efforts, has launched video-campaign series in order to motivate the organizations and countries to destroy their deadly virus Rinderpest stocks completely. The virus by the name rinderpest is one of the most dangerous viruses in the world. These viruses attack directly the […]


The Old Friends’ Get Together

The On set The climate here in my country is too intense and particularly gets unbearable in summers. The load shedding of electricity by the local power management and development authorities has left the general public in a miserable condition and the only way to seek refuge from all this […]


Is still a Watchdog Required

We love the life as beautiful it is and also try to make it more beautiful and pretty by adding on it every day and every passing moment. Pets, cattle, livestock, painting, arts, performing arts etcetera are the ways adopted by different people to beautify their surroundings and to make […]


Nupital knot through spring kite festival

Kite flying is a passion of so many people in the world, especially of youngsters in towns and cities of our country. Rather allow me to say that many of the times it has been witnessed that the old take a lead over the youth in kite flying. Basically it’s […]


Cobra in the Orange Grove

Open areas and fields like citrus gardens and meadows are liked by all of the human beings. An interesting story related to open lands and citrus orchards was once narrated to me by a friend. I found it worth mentioning to all of my friends so that they can know […]


The Careless Rooster

Roosters are found in almost all of the houses the world over. They are of different colours and breeds, the same is the case here in our city. Sometime back our neighbour too got a craze of them, initially he had a plan to start a poultry farm on large […]