A man in China bought a donkey from the Heilongjiang province, which is located in the North-east part of China. After purchasing the donkey from Heilongjiang, the Chinese man started walking towards his home. The migrant worker works at Zhejiang province, which is situated in the eastern part of China. He is a worker and often has to carry heavy loads on his shoulders from one place to another. The job eats up his much energy and till evening, he is left with very little or no power and energy. He was continuously losing his energy in this way from months and years and many-a-times thought to have some alternative for carrying weight.
The person Zhuang is poor and so, he can’t even think of leaving his job and since he does not know any other work, he cannot switch the job. So, the only alternative left with him is to have any partner that can work on his behalf and gives his salary to him.
As we all know that no human being in this world can do this for anybody, so Zhuang was left with options of either making any animal as friend or purchase any vehicle that can do this work for him. As a poor man, Chinese worker Zhuang cannot afford to buy any load carrying vehicle, so he thought of purchasing any right animal that can do this job for him.
One thought that stuck his mind was getting a donkey. The idea made a place in his mind and so, one day in July month, he started searching for any perfect donkey-seller. 34 years old Chinese worker Zhuang started searching for the donkey and in this search, reached county Qinggang in Heilongjiang province. He selected 2 donkeys. One of the donkeys, who is 4 years old cost him RM 1,101 (2200 Yuan) while the other one is pregnant and is 8 years old. It is been purchased for RM 1001 (2k Yuan).
He got the donkeys but at the cost of his job. The boss was not ready to give so many holidays and therefore, Zhuang was only left to resign.
Chinese man Zhuang thought that he would reach his home soon now. But a tragedy met him when the pregnant donkey gave up after walking some distance and he was left with no other alternative except to sell it. He got only approx 1500 Yuan (RM 770) for it.
Zhuang’s journey didn’t prove fruitful and he says that he has spent more than 10k Yuan for the shoes as he walked in most of the journey. He passed around 5-6 months away from his home and with only donkey. Moreover, one of the donkeys was sold by him in the journey. But inspite all this, Chinese Zhuang is happy to have someone who can carry loads for him.