Earn Money through AVG Affiliate Program

Last Saturday i.e on 15 August, I wrote about Earn Money Through Infolinks. Today, I am going to tell you how to earn money online through AVG. I am not talking about AVG Antivirus πŸ™‚ ; it’s an affiliate program that pays you to sell online. AVG stands for Affiliate Venture Group. Actually, AVG has several sponsors with them. And if you sell their product through your referral, you would be paid commissions as per item sold. The commission usually ranges from $1-$50 even per lead. But for some products, it rises to even $70 too. I have joined AVG recently and so advice you to give it a try atleast. Isn’t it interesting?

I am not joking. I have seen many bloggers earning a lot through affiliate marketing. It only depends how well you are in selling the goods online. Aprat from money that you make by this affiliate marketing, you also get material for your blog. You are getting articles to write and that too paid articles. Many bloggers who do not have much traffic too, then also they do earn a handy amount by this method only. And the best of this technique is you don’t have to invest even a penny of yours. Just write articles and promote them, a little hard-work.

AVG Affiliate

Even AVG refers you $7 for every publisher joining them through your referral. So if you are interested in joining AVG, please do join through mine referral πŸ™‚ .

If you are good enough to promote products online, AVG can prove best for you and you can generate huge commissions from them. You should definitely join Affiliate Venture Group.

You will get notifications in your email about whenever a new campaign is launched.

Registration is free and you will get your account activated within 24 hours.

You can join AVG at Register for AVG

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  1. Great news for tech blogs. They got the chance to get good leads on anti virus s/w’s

  2. The money from pay per lead is good.

  3. People are really earning from online stuffs. Nice to know about AVG. Thanks for information. If I join , will join through your ref. πŸ™‚

  4. crazy blogger

    Good news

    now i will join from your ref id

  5. hey thanks for sharing

  6. @Ruchi,@CrazyBlogger,@MostlyBlog: Thanks..will check who joins thru mine referral

  7. Thanks for ” Sharing ” this info πŸ™‚

  8. Hi Atul

    I have already joined Infolink after reading your article and now love to join this affiliate programme through your referral.

  9. whats this ?
    Ihave completed full form upto step 5 and now in step 6 it is asking your initials, without this it is not accepting.
    what to do dear ?

  10. waiting for more posts from you so that i can make an informed choice. please put one up soon

  11. I didn’t know this.

    Thanks for sharing this. will register and try to sell AVG.

  12. you have not informed about your initials, to complete my registration with AVG.

  13. @TechZoomin,@Nihar: Pls do resd post dear..Its not about AVG antivirus
    @Khalid: I mailed you..its oceanofweb.Do mail me if any other issues

  14. and the end they ask for initials.

    whats that..
    which value i should have to insert there pls tell me

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