Facts About Indian Coins

Today I am going to tell you a very interesting stuff about Indian coins. Have you ever noticed anything about the coins? I know most of you will not be aware of the fact that I am going to tell you today. Even I was not aware of the fact but my friend yesterday told me this and today I am in front of you with this article.

So, let’s continue and add something to your surprise. In India, coins are produced mainly in four major cities. These cities are Delhi, Mumbai, Hyderabad and Kolkata. Whenever a coin is produced in any of these cities, all of them put an identification mark on every coin and which can be seen under the year of issue.

Indian Rupee

For example, if a coin is being produced in Delhi, they will put a DOT mark on the coin under the year of issue of the coin. Like if the coin is produced in the year 2010, you will find a DOT (.) under the year 2010. And if the coin is produced in Mumbai, the production team will put a diamond mark under the issuing year of the coin. If the coin is from Hyderabad, it will have a Star on it and there will be no sign if it is being manufactured in Kolkata.

Identification mark on Indian coins

Please see the below differentiation:
Delhi – will have a dot.
Mumbai – will have a diamond.
Hyderabad – will have a star.
Kolkata – There will be no identification.

Amazing? I am sure most of you will not be aware of this rare fact. Now what are you waiting for? Article is in front of you and also you all have coins. Just put your hand inside your pocket and check out now to know the country of origin of your coin.

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  1. Interesting….

  2. **** Interesting ****

  3. its very interesting. i was searching for it, finally i got it. thank you very much.

  4. good


    very nice USEFUL INFO…….

  6. Ramesh kumar.M

    Thank you friend. It’s very good. I got exact information about that coins identification. I will have to scrutinize to my friends about coins identification.

  7. Thank you boss ..now I 100% aware of identification marks of coins and also where the manufactured in India …..

  8. There is no coin mint in DELHI
    That’s in NOIDA(Uttar pradesh) It contains the DOT(.) as a mint mark

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