Pelirocco Hotel Room made from wool in UK

There is a hotel in United Kingdom which has one room which is made completely from wool. The hotel by the name Pelirocco is in Brighton, United Kingdom and has one room which contains all the things knitted from wool. Except the things that can’t be made from wool are made from their natural materials and other than those things, all are knitted by hand.

The Pelirocco owner says that the room is very comfortable and their guests enjoy this special room a lot. There are special charges for the room. The manager adds that they never receive any complaints of this woolly room and the guests always admire the special room.

Woollen Hotel Pelirocco Photos

Knitted Hotel in UK

Woolly Hotel Breakfast

Peliroco Wooly Hotel

Peliroco Woolly Hotel

He added that Pelirocco is famous due to this woolly room and people from far away places come here to enjoy this special stay.

Almost all the daily usable things are knitted with wool in this hotel room. The room is designed by Kate Jenkins. Kate has knitted all the things in the Pelirocco hotel’s room with hands. Kate weaves any thing in 2 weeks. Kate Jenkins is from fashion and design background and believes that any of the things can be made from wool.

The room has almost everything weaved from yarn, whether it is telephone, table lamp, sleeping bed, kettle or breakfast plate. Even the bread and fruits are also knitted with yarn. Even the toothbrush and toothpaste are weaved from yarn.

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You might be thinking that how fruits and bread can be made from wool and how the woolly fruits and bread can be eaten by anyone. It is true that man cannot eat plastic or woolly fruits. Actually, these eating things are just as a show-piece. They are not for eating purpose.

Once entered, you will be forced to realize if there is any thing in the world that can’t be made from wool.

The knitting popularity is increasing due to this United Kingdom hotel Pelirocco.

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