Beware Of Fake Microsoft Anti-Virus Update

The Data Protection and IT Security Firm Sophos has warned all Microsoft users to beware of a fake anti-virus that appears to be as a Microsoft important update.

The hackers have cleverly designed the page in such a way that it resembles the ditto copy of Microsoft’s update page. There is only one exception in this hack that it activates on Firefox browser, in contrary to the real update of Microsoft, that requires the company’s own browser, Internet Explorer. The real updates of big M starts either in Internet Explorer or in background of Windows, but never on any other browser like Mozilla Firefox, Navigator etc.

The scam website shows you to install some important Windows updates, that are required for the normal functioning of your Windows operating system. It shows the release date of February 2011 and it is by the name of KB99081. The installation size is 2.8 MB.

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Microsoft Scam – Image

Microsoft Windows Fake Update

If one clicks on the Installation button, then it will start a useless and without any reason security scan of your PC. The scan is just an illusion to your eyes. In the background, the window will show you that your computer is infected with some serious malware. To fix this malware issue, you have to buy some online Anti-Malware. If you pay in order to buy that Scam Software, you will just lose your money with no return.

Sophos Graham Cluley said that the users should have been more open-eyed before trusting any of such bogus attempts and softwares.

These hackers just want to sell their bogus products by making people fool in this way.

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