Taipei fined Internet Giant Google a big sum of 34,600 US dollars (near about Tw $1 million) on not providing its customers the free 7 days trial period when they downloaded the apps on their smartphones.
As per the Consumer Protection Law of Taiwan, all the users are eligible for 7 days trial period over any product or item that they purchase through the web online.
The government of the country came to know that the big giants Google and also Apple are violating this rule for its country-people and so fined them with this sum. The web companies in return said that this is their rule of not giving any probation time to any of its customers and the same they have followed in Taiwan. This is their global rule that they follow in every nation and which can’t be altered.
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The govt of Taipei in turn asked both of them that for trading in their country, they have to change it else they will be banned for any further business on their land.
Apple stood politely and obeyed the govt officials. But Big G declined to obey such rules that are meaningless in its views. It said that they should not impose such restrictions on Google.

Betty Chen, the head of Consumer Protection Department said that instead of working on their advice, big G has suspended its paid Android apps for the citizens of their country. He condemned this act and said it as unprofessional and totally unfriendly. The biggest search engine was asking to remove any fines but they were denying of this. The search engine ruler might have thought it as their insult and so took this hard step.
It said that as per Android Market terms, we give the customers 15 mins to decide whether they want to keep that app or not. If it is more than this time, then no customer is given the money back as a refund. It said that the officials are liable to say anything if they are not giving its world-wide refundable policy in this nation. And if they are keeping Android Terms same for all the countries then no one should speak anything whether it’s common man or any higher official, may he/she be the ruler.
Betty said that Biggest Web company Google might send the authorities from United States to talk to Taipei government in this matter.