Nintendo Company’s United States unit’s website server is been hacked on Sunday, June 5, 2011.
The company said that it is the first time that someone is able to hack its server.
The Gaming Giant of Japan said that though the hackers are been able to cut its secrecy, but then also they were not able to get any of their customers’ information. The company officials said that all the secret official data and the customers’ data is safe and no one needs to worry.
Ken Toyoda, the spokesman of Nintendo said that they have seen some unauthorized people penetrating into their US server but making themselves on safer side said that they saw the illegal penetration but the internet thieves were not able to reveal any sensitive data, whether it may be of the Gaming Giant itself or of any of its users. So, none of its customers has to worry on this.
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He added that they are always in a move to make their servers and systems more secure and safer than before. With this security breach, neither of its operations has been affected.

But still this breaching raises the question that whether the people should trust in online websites and activities or not.
Lulzsec, a Hacker Group, which claimed earlier of breaching into Sony website and of successfully stealing the contact information, said that now the target made is Nintendo.
The attack was the result of as Nintendo launches its new 3DS Hand-Held Gaming Machine Online Service, this week.
The e-shop where the users of this new 3DS game can download and purchase the games would be soon available in Japan and America.
This 3DS game was available on sale in the United States of America in March and in Japan in February, that allow the users to play the 3D games and without wearing any sort of special glasses.